On Wednesday, 26th October the PSEC Board welcomed guests at the St John’s Presbyterian Church for the PSEC Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Key highlights:
PSEC acknowledged Colleen Skuse who is retiring after 10 years of loyal service to PSEC, she was thanked for the wonderful support she has given to our Tairawhiti team over the years. Colleen was awarded with the Life Membership status.
Colleen’s 3 children attended the AGM to honour their Mum’s contribution. Staff sang a surprise waiata ‘Hutia Te Rito’ after the presentation.
Mrs Sandra Faulkner has been appointed by Presbytery Central to represent the Tairāwhiti Region on the PSEC Board.
Board members, Ken Foote, Alison Prins and Tobias Taylor have been re-elected to the Board of Presbyterian Support East Coast for another three-year term
PSEC Patron Kerry Marshall was acknowledged for his long service and has announced he will be retiring.
Election of Patron: Stuart Signal, Board Chairperson recommended from the PSEC Board, for Mr Maitland Manning be elected to the role of Presbyterian Support East Coast Patron for the 2023 year.
Life Members: Mrs Colleen Skuse and Mr Kerry Marshall have been elected as Life Member of Presbyterian Support East Coast.