You can help build homes for younger disabled people. Click here to GIVE A BRICK.
Supporting you on your journey, helping you reach your potential
We believe in you, your potential, and your ability to guide your journey through life. We spend time getting to know you and what matters to you. We include your whānau and other people who are important to you. Our support and services are tailored to be specific to your journey.
We are a government approved agency specialised in working alongside tangata whaikaha (disabled person) who requires support on their journey through life. We are a team of Support Workers, Programme Facilitators, Navigators, Registered Clinicians, and Administrators.
You can be referred to us by other agencies or you can simply phone or call in and ask to talk to someone about where you are in your journey and the support that you need. Our services:
Our staff are all qualified and if required, registered in their area of work. They are passionate and possess the character to support you in a way that respects your mana and standing as a person of value in your whānau and community.
They will work with you to ensure you have the right people and supports you need to move forward safely and courageously on your journey through life.
Our work with you is guided by the Enabling Good Lives principles and focusses on supporting you to understand who you are, where you want to go in life, and what support you require to get there.
Thank you for your generosity to support our current project. You are making a true difference in your community by helping us build accessible housing for younger adults living with disabilities in Hawke’s Bay
If you prefer a bank transfer, our account number is:
03 | 0658 | 0005676 | 06 |
Please include your last name and phone number as reference.
Email for a tax receipt.
The latest stories from Enliven Disability