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Variety Show benefits PSEC

Hastings Orphans Club Variety Show poster webThey say variety is the spice of life right? Well if that’s the case, you’re in for a real treat at the Hastings Orphan’s Club Variety Show on Sunday, 14 October.

There’ll be comedy skits, bagpipes, country music, magic and whole lot more music!

The Hastings Orphans Club have kindly decided to donate proceeds from the show to Presbyterian Support East Coast (PSEC) services, Enliven Intensive Home Support, Enliven Disability and Family Works.

The show will kick off at 2pm and at the Orphans Club Hall on the corner of Miller and Albert Streets in Hastings.Tickets are only $10 and can be purchased from any PSEC charity shop or from the following retailers:

Whittakers Pharmacy, 10 Napier Road, Havelock North
Thomson’s Suits, 355 Heretaunga Street, Hastings
Griffiths Footwear, 211 Heretaunga Street, Hastings

The Orphans Club was formed in 1913 and has entertained audiences and supported charities for more than 100 years! The club has around 70 members with some being members for more than 50 years. Their motto is “No who brings a little sunshine into the lives of others can avoid failing on himself.”

Please show your support for this great, family-friendly show and buy a ticket today!

View and download the promotional poster by clicking here

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