Helping youth with disabilities to enhance their opportunities
The Scott Fund Trust is a charitable fund set up under the Will of the late David Henry Scott. The Trust provides educational or vocational assistance to youth under the age of 21 years who have disabilities and live in the Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne regions.
We welcome applications from people that meet the criteria as well as from their parents or caregivers. Applications must be supported by letters, reports, or other relevant documentation from health, education, or other agency professionals that are involved in the applicant’s care.
The Trustees support students at all educational levels in ways that enhance their opportunities.
Support may include:
The Trust requires that applications are made first to government agencies with primary responsibility for health, education, and disability funding. The Trust will consider joint funding with another agency. In the case of ongoing support needs, the Trustees would like to be advised of the effectiveness of the funding provided. Grants for Teacher Aides are currently unavailable due to low interest rates reducing our income. Assessments are restricted to after two years schooling (8 year olds) and for High Schools to Year 10 and above. All applications must be on the official The Scott Fund Trust Application Form.
Download The Scott Fund Trust Application Form
Trustees meet in February, April, June, August, October, and December to consider applications. A representative may make contact before the meeting if additional information is required. Trustees would like to know if the funds provided are really helping so that appropriate alternatives can be considered.
The Secretary
The Scott Fund Trust, PO Box 8119, Havelock North 4157
Phone Elma Pienaar on 021 027 73099 or email
Being born with generalised low muscle tone and very loose ligaments means that supposedly ‘easy’ activities are a challenge. Read how a grant from the Scott Fund Trust helped Alice own all her physical achievements and boosted her development in a non-invasive way.