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PSEC volunteer scoops prestigious HB Youth Award

PSEC volunteer scoops prestigious HB Youth Award

Elizabeth Campbell with her dad, Bruce and Volunteer Manager, Ngaia Richardson.What started out as a requirement to complete her Duke of Edinburgh Award, has morphed into a regular volunteering stint for 15-year-old Taradale High School student, Elizabeth Campbell, who was awarded the Youth Volunteer Excellence Award at the Hawke’s Bay Volunteer Excellence Awards recently.

Hosted by Volunteering Hawke’s Bay, the awards evening recognised the people in our community who give their time, skills and resources to local organisations and charities to enable them to provide much-needed services across all sectors.

Elizabeth is Presbyterian Support East Coast’s (PSEC) youngest regular volunteer and PSEC Volunteer Manager, Ngaia Richardson, says she has delivered outstanding customer service in the Napier Charity store from day one.

“Elizabeth used her initiative and walked in to the store one day asking whether there were any volunteering opportunities for her. We snapped her up and even though she only needed to complete one hour of volunteering a week for her Duke of Edinburgh award, Elizabeth immediately started doing much more.

“She is reliable and hard working. She gets on with anyone and has a natural connection with our customers. While she is quietly spoken she always engages positively. Every volunteer that she does a shift with comments on how wonderful she is and she is very highly valued by the Shop Manager.”

Even though Elizabeth has completed her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, she has continued to volunteer in the store each week and this shows real commitment to Presbyterian Support East Coast and how she loves making a difference to the lives of those we fundraise for – Hawkes Bay’s elderly, disabled and our most vulnerable children.

Elizabeth says she volunteers because she enjoys using her time to help the community and people, rather than “doing nothing otherwise”.

“Everyone is so lovely and kind and I have time so I really like it,” Elizabeth say.

Overall, we couldn’t wish for a more dedicated volunteer than Elizabeth. The fact that she is only 15 years old makes her even more amazing!

Thank you Elizabeth!

Read more about our charity stores and their locations here

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