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Celebrating Matariki 2023

Celebrating Matariki 2023

Matariki signals growth. It’s a time of change. It’s a time to prepare, and a time of action.

During Matariki we acknowledge what we have and what we have to give. Matariki celebrates the diversity of life, it’s a celebration of culture, language, and people.

Family Works Hawke’s Bay celebrated Matariki with a shared kai on 13 July.

Francis Te Pouwas acknowledged by the Family Works team for his valued support over the year and for upholding the Family Works Hawke’s Bay values.

The team enjoyed a delicious kumara pie made by Sarah!

PSEC Senior Team and Hillsbrook staff joined to celebrate Matariki with korero and shared kai on 12 July.

Jennie thoughtfully prepared stars and stones, each with a name of a star, giving one to each staff member to reflect on and grasp the unique meanings they represent.

Francis’ korero guided the team through the phases of the Māori calendar which begins in Pipiri (June/July) with the reappearance of the Matariki star cluster signalling the New Year. There was korero about the star constellation, when to observe Matariki, translated explanations of each star, and Matariki whakatauki (proverbs).

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