Colleen Skuse knows the important work Family Works delivers to the local community, helping tamariki and whānau that are meeting challenges daily. Driven by her own values to help others where there is need, Colleen did not hesitate to support the cause by becoming a Family Works Angel and making regular donations. Colleen says that if you want to help locals who are less fortunate, then you should consider becoming a Family Works Angel. Colleen has been more than just a donor for PSEC. In 2022 she retired as a PSEC Board member after 10 ½ years loyal service. As the previous Tairāwhiti representative on the PSEC Board, Colleen proudly represented a region that she holds close to her heart. That dedication was acknowledged with Colleen being made a PSEC Life Member at the 2022 PSEC Annual General Meeting. At that meeting, Colleen spoke warmly of her time on the Board. She was proud of seeing the increase in numbers of female members on the PSEC Board during her time. Colleen also praised the development of the farming operation at Arohiwi Station and shared her dream of seeing a farm cadetship become a reality in the future. Colleen’s approach to life is best summed up by the Winston Churchill quote that she closed with in her retirement speech from the PSEC Board – “We make a living by what we get: but we make a life by what we give.”
Be a whisper of hope to children and families bravely overcoming challenges right now.
To become a Family Works Angel call, 0800 002 953 or visit